Welcome to NetPad - The Web Notepad for Thinking People!!! Version 2.4 - May 28, 1998 Welcome to version 2.4, now including MiniPad, the world's smallest and handiest notepad tool for Web users! NetPad is a handy notepad tool for Internet users, or anyone who spends a lot of time in front of a computer. NetPad has the unique ability to mix your own notes and ideas with text and links you get from the Web. Use it to jot down notes and ideas, keep track of your recipes, plan your next holiday, put together the lyrics for your next album, collect data for your research, or simply store your Web bookmarks. -- What's New In This Release? -- Additions in Version 2.4: - NetPad now allows you to create folders in the idea list to help organize your ideas. - Tools within NetPad lets you easily run MiniPad, and show/hide the browser and ideas windows. - Other minor changes to NetPad and MiniPad Additions in Version 2.3: - MiniPad is a tiny floating icon that allows you to drag and drop text, (including formatting and links, when using IE 4.0) into a NetPad file, whether NetPad itself is running or not! - NetPad now supports hot linking to your email application just by clicking on an email address in an idea. Additions in Version 2.2: - Copies all links and formatting information in text dragged and dropped from Internet Explorer - Stores the source URL for text dragged and dropped from IE - Adds a new Properties command to the context menu (right click) in the idea editor and a corresponding button on the button bar. This menu gives you access to idea information and the source URLs. Additions in Version 2.1: - A new Options menu command under the View menu allows you to set editing, default browser and auto-highlighting options - Hyperlinks can be disabled - Support for Netscape as the default external browser - Added a Select All menu command to the text pop-up menu - Reduced memory and processor usage - Better internal error checking - Several bugs fixed -- Please Register -- We'd link to encourage you to register once you've tried out NetPad by going to our Web site at www.flyingobjects.com. In addition to making your copy legal and helping to support development of new versions of the package, registration unlocks the ability to create your own idea links and prevents the program from expiring. The NetPad License Agreement (see below) allows you to use the package for 90 days for evaluation before paying the license fee, currently set at US$19.95. -- Installing NetPad -- NetPad is very simple to install (and uninstall). The installation procedure depends upon whether you downloaded the zipped version (NetPad.zip, or something similar) or the self-extracting version (NetPadSE.exe, or similar). -->If you have NetPadSE.exe (or anything.exe): Just run the program. It will unpack the required files and start the main installer. -->If you have NetPad.zip (or anything.zip): Use a zip-compatible dearchiver to unpack the zip file into any convenient folder on your system. We recommend creating a new folder for this purpose so that you can easily delete the installer files when you're done. Once the files are unzipped, just run the Setup.exe application. Regardless of which method you used to download NetPad, the rest of the installation is the same. Once the installation is complete, you can delete all the files that you downloaded and/or unzipped. They are no longer required. The installer creates a file called netpad_install_log.txt on your C: drive which lists the operations it performed. If you do not experience any problems, this file can be safely deleted. IN CASE OF INSTALLATION PROBLEMS - Please visit the NetPad Support page on our Web site at: http://www.flyingobjects.com or send an email to tech@flyingobjects.com. Please attach a copy of the file c:\netpad_install_log.txt that the installer generates when installing. -- Documentation -- Documentation on using NetPad is online in the package under the NetPad Help folder. There is additional documentation available on our Web site at: http://www.flyingobjects.com. -- Contacting Us -- If you have any problems, questions, suggestions, comments or whatever, we can be reached by email at flying@flyingobjects.com. We'll talk to anyone, but we're especially eager to please people who have registered their copy! If you are one of these fine souls, please note your access code in any correspondence. -- Uninstalling NetPad -- To uninstall NetPad, simply double-click on the Uninstaller file in the NetPad folder. This will remove all items installed by the initial installation and any other files in the NetPad folder. IMPORTANT!!!! If you want to keep any idea text created with NetPad before uninstalling, make a text file outside the NetPad folder. Everything in the NetPad folder will be deleted!!! NOTE: For reasons we have not been able to determine yet, the NetPad uninstaller will not always remove the NetPad folder after all files have been deleted. To complete uninstallation, just drag the NetPad folder to the Recycle Bin. All other items have been deleted. -- About This Release -- Here are some things you should know about this release: License: NetPad is being distributed at this time as "shareware", meaning you can use the package on your machine for a maximum of 90 days without paying the license fee. Please read the license agreement in more detail below. Bugs and Bug Reporting: Please report and bugs or suggestions by email to tech@flyingobjects.com. -- NetPad License Agreement -- Flying Objects Software Inc. grants free license to anyone to copy and distribute NetPad as long as: - no charge is made to the receiver beyond the minimal cost of delivery. (Distribution of NetPad with a large number of other shareware/freeware packages on CD or other media will be considered to meet this condition.) - this and all other documentation and notices provided with the package are included without modification. - no access code or registration information is included in the copy. Flying Objects Software Inc. retains all ownership and rights except as granted by this license. Flying Objects Software Inc. grants to the end user a license to use NetPad free of charge for 90 days from date of receipt for evaluation purposes. After that time, the end user must either uninstall the package or register their ownership and pay the license fee of $19.95 (U.S. Funds, subject to change without notice). Payment can be made by credit card on-line at http://www.flyingobjects.com. In any event, this version of the software will expire 120 days after installation unless registered. Flying Objects Software Inc. offers no warranty whatsoever and assumes no liability of any kind for any loss sustained as a result of the use of this software. The online program documentation included with NetPad is copyrighted material owned by Flying Objects Software Inc. All other text included with the package was derived from public domain sources in the Internet and is provided only as an example of the types of information that can be stored. No other approval or claim of ownership is expressed or implied. The names NetPad and MiniPad are trademarks of Flying Objects Software Inc.